Sunday, May 18, 2008

May 18, 2008

Today is the Lord's day. The chiming of a dozen church bells. Lost in a pretty city. Canals, quaint little cobbled streets, flowers, trees. But no church i walked the wrong direction...I heaved a sigh and decided to follow the most distinct sound of church bells, remembering stories of how God miraculously leads men to places where they need to go.

So i walked stumbling into yet more quaint cobbled streets, then i recognize this church that i stumbed upon. Its the 'domkerk' an icon of Utrecht. Founded in 695AD as a roman catholic church its was taken over by the protestants in 1581. Its architecture was amazing tall catherdrals, an organ that stood 4 stories high, stained glasses of medivel knights and salvation, statues of Jesus on the cross, a wall dedicted to reformers like martin luther and john calvin. What a clash of religion here.

The service was interesting. A trio of men in monk red robes led the singing. Their voice resonating in symphony in the cathedrals(you know how well catherdrals conduct acoustics), together with the organ. Magnificant.

I did not understand much although a kind lady did provide translations for me. The lord's supper was so solemn. Leaven bread though and we all drank from the same chalice with really sweet wine. haha for kids...all in all...God is good...

On a sad note, christianity in holland is in a decline. From what i hear, 60 years ago everyone went to church. Nowadays, less and less people are going and they are mostly old people. Services are turning more liberal, more charismatic, appealing more to the flesh than the spirit You being to wonder, that God has moved away from the western world, perhaps it is time for the east to hear the gospel. As mentioned in mattew 28. But Then. my lord will come to claim his crown.

On a random note, thank God for the dutch colonization in the 1600s allowing christianity to spread abroad....Its amazing how God allows this to happen....using ways which we cannot imagine to fulfil the great comission

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